
for Mac, iPhone, iPad

It is very easy to use.
You will be surprised by its productivity.

Essential app for Mac users

We highly recommend it to mac users.
If you just select everything on the screen, you can extract and translate the text automatically.
Your productivity will change dramatically through the ScanTexter app.

Icon images that represent productivity

Amazing productivity

Scan all the text on screen and translate them all at once!

Icon images for full accessibility

Perfect Accessibility

Amazing accessibility by using the shortcuts with the (⌃A) key.

Icon images to represent your customizations

Personalized settings

This app provides the optimized productivity for mac users.

ScanTexter utilizes OCR technology to extract text from your screen and automatically translate it.

OCR(Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that enables computers to recognize and interpret text within images or digital scans. It converts printed or handwritten text into machine-readable text, making it easier to search, edit, and process digital documents. OCR technology is used in a variety of areas, including document scanning, automated data entry, and digital archiving.

Scan all the text on screen
and translate them all at once!

It is easier than copying the text and using a translator.
You don’t need to drag and copy the text form the screen anymore.
Also there is no need for additional effort to extract text from images and videos.

Amazing Productivity

The ScanTexter app not only extracts the text from the screen be also automatically translates them.
It is very easy to use. You will be surprised by its productivity.

App screen image showing an image of a selected area of the Mac screen on the left, text extracted from the image on the top right, and translated text on the bottom right.

Popover or OverlayWindow mode.

Use the overlay window mode to display near the selected area.

Perfect Accessibility

Select the area that you want to extract and translate text from the screen (shortcut ⌃A)
That is it. So simple right?
Just press the shortcut key and select the area that you want to translate from the screen.

An image of the settings screen for a fully accessible app. It supports a variety of customizable settings.

Personalized Settings

This app provides the optimized productivity for mac users.

A screen image that sets which screen is exposed as a popup. It also supports an overlay window feature that exposes a selected area.

New Window Mode

Supports new window mode to efficiently handle large amounts of translation tasks.

A screen image that presents the app's functionality as a separate window pane.

Essential app for iPhone/iPad users

The ScanTexter app not only extracts the text from the image be also automatically translates them.
It is very easy to use. You will be surprised by its productivity.

The first imi that represents a must-have app for iPhone/iPad users is the
Second image representing the must-have apps for iPhone/iPad users
Third image representing essential apps for iPhone/iPad users
Fourth image representing must-have apps for iPhone/iPad users
Fifth image representing must-have apps for iPhone/iPad users
Sixth image representing must-have apps for iPhone/iPad users

Download for free on Mac, iPhone, iPad

The easiest way to get your copy of ScanTexter and its free updates.